Supreme Eagletronic Portrait

Supreme Eagletronic Portrait
Supreme Eagletronic

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Teamwork | Creativity | Local Knowledge | Environmentalism | Visionary

Home Grown

Education is a big elephant to try to conquer.

I spoke to a family of two children I know about how the education levels and educational quality offered by their daycare has affected them. They thought the quality of their daycare was really great, but it came at quite a cost - literally. They worried about what they would do when the oldest was ready to go the kindergarten - the cost break of public school will be very helpful, but they are strongly considering private schooling. They think the arts and outdoor play has been immeasurably beneficial, and don't want it to leave it behind.

What can I do about it?
I hooked my interview family up with an online resource, and helped them get started on their very first project - outdoor chalkboards.

"I have found a true inspiration over at the Artful Parent. I think the projects for learning the arts at home are just delightful, and I can't wait to try more of them at home.  I think the email subscriptions from her blog will be a great way to keep the at home art projects fresh and innovative.  I have already created my own outdoor chalkboards for my little ones to create their drawings on." - Dad of two.

Of course, being a super hero,  I will next be creating a petting zoo, a working children's farm house, and tractor jungle gyms at our local Kewin Park.

Amazing at it seems, although Modesto is surrounded by farmland, many of the children have no real access to finding out about farms and farm animals. Petting zoo's can provide a wealth of opportunities for children to learn about animals.  They have a chance to learn about the different animals that they pet such as: what they eat, where and when they sleep, what types of families they live in, and so forth.  Many children learn better by actually experiencing something than by just learning about an animal in a book.  Instead of seeing pictures of animal fur, they can actually feel it.  Instead of telling them what the animal eats, they can feed it to the animal. I think Modesto would benefit greatly from a local petting zoo.


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