Supreme Eagletronic Portrait

Supreme Eagletronic Portrait
Supreme Eagletronic

Vote for my Powers!!

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Teamwork | Creativity | Local Knowledge | Environmentalism | Visionary

My Secret Identity

Supreme Eagletronic is not a disguise. It is who I am, while being a "professor" is what I do. Having the secret identity of a professor allows me to live a "normal life" when not fighting the lack of imagination in Modesto.

It also prevents my enemies from seeking revenge on others that I care about.

To aid in my disguise, once I was transformed into Supreme Eagletronic, I quickly bought myself a Secret Identity eye glasses kit.

After all, as their designer Matt Singer asks, I am "a Superhero seeking inconspicuous movement in the civilian world? The Secret Identity Eyeglass Kit is an ideal aid, lends 'poor vision' authenticity while providing legitimate fashion cred to any outfit."  - just what I needed!

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